Welcome to Christ's Faith. Here, you can find the closest reconstruction of the true faith we have available today! When considering doctrine, we do not care for traditions or feelings of men, only for the scriptures in their original historical context (which we discern from historical writings). We believe in the whole bible, and reject any doctrine that brings the bible into conflict with itself. We are non-denominational, however, if you wanted to label our doctrine, it would be best set apart by the Israel identity message we believe: according to overwhelming historical and scriptural evidence, the European peoples are the Israelites of the bible (by blood), and God's covenants were only made with Israelites! Just as important, this entails that we also know that the "Jews" are not Israelites by blood, and therefore have no part in God's covenant (article). Even further, they are physically descended from the Serpent through Cain: as Christ points out multiple times, they are of the Devil and also inherited Cain's guilt for slaying Abel (NASB, CEV). Inheriting the guilt for a sin of a man of the past is only possible by being a blood descendant. Furthermore, Christ was an Israelite and not a Jew by race (source). Anyone who's not a pure-blooded descendant of Adam (such as those who partially descend from the Serpent through Cain) is a corruption of creation and will be thrown into the lake of fire on judgement day. Conversely, all who are of the woman's seed (Genesis 3:15) live in Christ.
A good start for diving into our doctrine can be found here.
For new testament scripture, we refer to the CNT translation, which was created by carefully researching the different surviving manuscripts of the new testament and (in our opinion) gets the closest to the original scriptures among all available translation. If you want to earnestly study the old testament scriptures, we recommend using an interlinear bible and using a Hebrew concordance such as Strong's.
Please visit Christogenea.org for very in-depth and high-quality scholarship by William R. Finck and archives of many Christian Identity preachers' works. This site is heavily based on the works found there.